To Help With Covid-19 Decision Fatigue, Set a ‘Risk Budget’

It’s a smart way to help you focus on the activities you value most

Anna Maltby
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2020


The Covid-19 decision fatigue is real, and as cities continue to reopen (cue menacing churn in my stomach whenever I hear the phrase “indoor dining”), many of us are still struggling to find ways to reconcile the things we want to do — sports! socializing! museums! school! — with our strong desire to keep ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities as safe as possible. For Forge, science writer Kayt Sukel, author of…



Anna Maltby

Editor and writer. Past: Elemental, Real Simple, Refinery29, SELF. Certified personal trainer; prenatal and postnatal exercise specialist. Cat & person mom.